أهلا وسهلا بكم في ملتقى الغرباء يشرفنا انضمامكم الينا..

e premte, 22 qershor 2007

Claim Your Winning Prize.

We are pleased to inform you of the announcements today of Winners of
the Costa Coffee MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO WINNING PROGRAMS. Your company or personal
e-mail address, is attached to a Ticket number 644-701-836-872, with a
serial number 64483-72 drew the Lucky Winning Numbers

You have therefore been awarded the total lump sum pay out of
£420,000.00 credited to File Ref No: AKO=276.89/CP4

To claim your prize reply this email.

Congratulations once again from all our staff for being a part of our
Promotions program.

Mrs. Deborah Allen Ruth.

Phone: +44 70457 06414
+44 70457 06411

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