SREA Jumps 25% After News Releases!
Score One Inc.
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SREA announced its plan to develop a $75 Million project duplicates a
successful plan in 2006 than returned over $100 million in profits.
Investors are getting in fast. Read the news and get all over SREA
You should download the audio and give it a spin.
There may be a previously undiscovered pocket of primitive stem cells in
the spleen that are important for healing several types of damage or
You'll find two of his recent articles referenced at Fight Aging!
Why risk missing out on the real anti-aging medicine of the future? We
may still be on the ground floor of this field of research, but it's a
very compelling ground floor and we know where to find the stairs up.
"Elixir Pharmaceuticals Inc. Catch any disease very early on - even
those that are currently untreatable in late stages - and often
something can be done to at the very least delay progression. htmlWe
humans are an odd lot; so adaptive that we can live in the worst of
circumstances, convincing ourselves that we have no choice in the matter
and that worst must be best. In the last election, some Republican
senators were replaced by Democrats, and the more people hear about stem
cell research, the more supportive they become. The assumption is that
there is something wrong morally about interfering with nature's
processes, or defying nature itself - however, exactly, those ideas are
to be understood.
A brief scan through the Longevity Meme and Fight Aging! With age, the
free radicals begin to win the battle . htmScienceDaily reports on
experiments suggesting that low levels of radiation exposure increase
longevity - in small mammals at least.
You'd think that any concept of the inviolability of nature would long
have been abandoned by philosophers, ethicists and cultural
" Work is proceeding on blood stem cell differentiation too.
orgDISCUSSIONThe highlights and headlines from the past two weeks follow
"Are the changes in the brain that accompany aging caused by damage to
the underlying genes involved in functions such as learning, memory and
the transmission of nerve impulses? cfmTranshumanism, like healthy life
extension, has been moving closer to the mainstream over the years as
technology advances and advocates have reached a wider audience.
" That teams outside the US are forging ahead makes it less likely that
the US goverment will be able to shut down this very promising research.
" On that note, it's worth mentioning that some folks are looking into
starting a Methuselah Fly Prize along the same lines as the M Prize for
anti-aging research in mice. Let us move full speed ahead with extending
life span. There are many people who stand to benefit from this
Discovering how they break down is the first step to understanding the
mechanisms of aging. What's exciting is we may now be able to design a
therapy that will seek out and destroy only cancer cells . They are
probably better funded and equipped.
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